Musings from a middle school reading specialist. I encourage my students to read, talk, write, and have fun!
I parent two amazing young-adult daughters with my husband of 30+ years.

March 9, 2017

Tackling a Classroom Library #SOLC17

Join the Slice of Life Challenge
Write every day in March
Got an idea?  Just write!
This week I've assisted our new-to-teaching third grade teacher, Sarah, administer the PARCC assessment.  (Why yes, my legs and feet are sore!  How did you know?)
It's been neat to be part of a classroom community for three days.  Today I decided to spend the entire day with the class and help out Sarah organize her classroom library.
"Do you mind if I cause some chaos?" I asked Sarah.  She was game because she has LOTS of books and wasn't sure where to start.
With an hour between testing and lunch, I invited the class to grab a stack of books and divide them between fiction and non fiction.  After a few minutes of struggle and confusion, I clarified the difference.  We then organized fiction into chapter books, picture books and series.
Next came non fiction.
"Is that real or fake?" someone piped up.
We clarified non fiction and decided to have three big categories:  people, science and animals.
Lunch time and specials came and went.
The kids returned to class and started another PARCC session.  I moved a few books and made more of a mess in non fiction (sorry, Sarah!) 

Today's reflection on our work:  It wasn't very quiet.  It wasn't totally productive, but it was a great effort.  I am seriously impressed by the size of Sarah's library.  She is quite the book finder!


  1. Your little vignette tells many stories- your ways to be in the classroom, your support of a new teacher, you philosophy of including students, what they did and didn't know, and your love for books made useful for a class. Nice piece! Glad your day wasn't all about testing. I be the kids really loved the break.

  2. Great job giving the kids a break from testing and helping out a teacher and giving the kids an insight into different kinds of books.

  3. My favorite part? (Not the chaos ...) The students were involved in the library organizing!!! I can't wait to see pictures of this new library space! Sarah is going to owe you some serious dark chocolate payments! You are awesome!
