Musings from a middle school reading specialist. I encourage my students to read, talk, write, and have fun!
I parent two amazing young-adult daughters with my husband of 30+ years.

February 24, 2015

Magical Moments

Read more Slice of Life stories at
Two Writing Teachers
It was tough to get up on Monday.  I overindulged on the Oscars (Lady Gaga + Sound of Music = surprisingly awesome!) so I already was tired.  I really wanted to stay under the covers, but I brewed a strong cup of coffee and ventured to school.

Our day was already scattered, so I tried to keep an even head.  Specials moved to the morning, lunch time delayed by a lunch delivery dilemma.  Indoor recess, again.  I kept moving the students between the carpet and desks as we completed a writing lesson, talked science, worked through math rotations, guided reading and Daily 5 (with one major student meltdown).

Then it happened.  I introduced the essential question of the week from our reading series ... "how do animal's bodies help them?"

You would have thought that I had a classroom of zoologists.
I'm not kidding.

These first graders were tossing words like camouflage, acacia leaves, muscular legs.
Some were discussing at their tables the difference between cheetahs, jaguars and leopards.
They talked about snakes, birds, elephants, and giraffes.
I couldn't keep up with all the conversations.
I knew I had a few animal experts, but this was amazing.

At it all happened 20 minutes before we had to get ready to go home.

What an inspiring way to finish our day.  I can only guess which book basket will be empty by first bell tomorrow morning!

February 17, 2015

Inspired by Texts

Read more Slice of Life stories at
Two Writing Teachers

Karen and Michelle and I have an ongoing group text message.
These ladies are my reading resource buddies at work.
They are my friends.
This year they are my lifelines.

If I need...
a book
an idea
a minute to whine
to celebrate,

they are there.

Typing as fast as they can.

It's pretty awesome
to have two coaches at my fingertips.

Book lovers.
Silly emoji users. (That's the best).

Last week I found this quote on Pinterest.  It sums up how I feel about Karen and Michelle.
They are my tribe.