I've played second violin in the community college orchestra for 4-1/2 years. It's a mix of younger college students, music teachers, retirees, and a mix of other professionals who enjoy playing an instrument on the side (doctors, programmers, office workers).
Our conductor likes to "stretch our musical muscles," so he tends to pick pieces that fit a theme and challenge us (especially the string players). We have four rehearsals, then it's concert time. The short time period guarantees that you will not tire of the pieces, nor will you perfect your part. There's just not enough time.
We are less than a week from performing Mendelssohn's 4th Symphony. We missed rehearsal last week due to subzero temperatures and windchill warnings. As we ran the piece tonight, I knew our conductor, Brian, would have to find a kind way of letting us know the piece (specifically the 4th movement) was not going well.
Brian can tell when we are stressed and need to regroup. He will put the baton down, rub his forehead, and then share a short story. It gives us a chance to lower our shoulders and relax. Weekly, he reminds us to
listen to each other (and not play like soloists!) and go with the flow of the music. We had a few members tonight trying to play the correct rhythm loudly, as to prove they were right. This wasn't working.
Brian's short story tonight was how a construction company was trying to relate the orchestra model to their business operations. In orchestra, you perform, analyze, adjust. Instantly. There's no time to call meetings and delay projects for months. Individuals need to adjust what they are doing (or not doing) to do their part to be in sync with their section, which helps the whole orchestra play in harmony.
AHA! Makes me think of school.
I wish that we teachers could adjust quickly to what our students need and to the changing standards. I think many of teachers do this subconsciously. They see a need, they fill it. Others wait, complain, whine, and look for others to blame. Each grade-level is a team, like a section in the orchestra. You can tell when there is a weak section in the orchestra. They stand out.
I'm hoping more teachers will see themselves as part of a bigger organization, like an orchestra. They will learn their music (CCSS) and practice (apply CCSS). They will
listen to the other sections (grade levels). They will analyze how they are harmonizing. They will realize when they need to adjust... then quickly do it! They will realize this hard work is for their team, their students, and their parents.
Back to orchestra... I know I need to spend some more serious time working on my part so that the 2nd violins will blend harmoniously with the orchestra on Sunday. I can't let my fellow musicians, my conductor, or my audience down.
(Pssst...here's a
link to a YouTube video (another orchestra) of the 4th movement...yikes! Wish me luck!)