Musings from a middle school reading specialist. I encourage my students to read, talk, write, and have fun!
I parent two amazing young-adult daughters with my husband of 30+ years.

March 18, 2012

Creaky knees - SOLC #18

Join the Slice of Life Writing Challenge at

Creeeeakkk... crack.... POP!
When I walk upstairs
My knees like to complain
About how much
I trudge up and down.

I never thought that my joints
Could feel so crispy and crunchy
At the ripe old age
of 42 and one half.

Bad knees run in my family
I try to fight the possibility
Will I need new ones
or can I make
my originals last?

For now I just keep
w a l k i n g
Hoping my attempts
at more exercise
will help my
worn out


  1. Sorry about your knees, but the poem's sound effects are awesome--"crispy and crunchy"! Hope the exercise helps your "originals last."

  2. Your poor knees! You captured the sounds of creaky knees perfectly. Let's hope to get lots more use out of them! Keep walking!

  3. Chris, this was a great description of your poor knees! Keep exercising though. . . it's suppose to help. ;-)
