Musings from a middle school reading specialist. I encourage my students to read, talk, write, and have fun!
I parent two amazing young-adult daughters with my husband of 30+ years.

March 20, 2014

Calendar confusion SOLC #20

Join the Slice of Life Challenge!
Write every day in March!
You don't realize what elementary students don't understand about the calendar until you try to explain spring break.  Between my classroom and a few other resource rooms, these were the reactions to the announcement that we would not be in school next week.

1st Graders:
"Do we get to wear shorts?"
"Will it be hot next week?"

2nd Graders
"Will I be in 3rd grade when we come back?"
"When is my birthday?"

4th/5th Graders
"Nine days without homework!"
"It's not a vacation if I'm not going anywhere."

The hardest reaction to hear were four simple words, "I will miss you."  My heart aches for the kids who look forward to school because it's the most predictable and calm part of their day.  Students know the grownups at school care about them.  We are a sea of friendly faces, even if students make poor choices.

I'll miss their shining faces for a week, but I'm glad for the chance to recharge my enthusiasm for the remainder of the school year.


  1. Aw...I will miss you is just so sweet! Enjoy your break!

  2. Spring break is always a welcome respite. Interesting elementary perspective. Ours (high school) seem to take two extra days off.

  3. Yes, yes, and yes. But that love and that need is so fulfilling. And the recharge will be good for our souls!

  4. We had this conversation at home this week too (maybe it was even this morning) clarifying last days of school before spring break vs. last day of school of the year. Enjoy your break!

  5. Those 1st and 2nd grade responses are so adorable! This misunderstanding would never have occurred to me. I love it! And yes, the "I will miss you," breaks my heart. But how lucky that these children know they have you to come back to, know that -- even with a 9-day break -- they have a space of calm and stability.

    Have a wonderful break!
